
Solitude: the state of being alone without being lonely.

For the past month, I’ve made myself make time for my own self. I have tried to focus more on myself and what is needed to help me become better. I think as humans, all of us want affection and love. It’s a normal thing. But we are also afraid of being alone. Mostly because then we will find things we are afraid of — our weaknesses. Once we know what it is, we are more afraid because we don’t know what to do. Either ignore them or take action into understand and how to work around those weaknesses.

In the beginning, it was hard to go out by myself. Grabbing a huge breakfast and I was alone eating it. But you know what, it was great. I could only focus on my food and be comfortable with myself. It’s a different transition doing things by myself. It still is nerve wrecking at times, but I feel stronger once I get past it. Because I learn some new things about myself.

I’ve realized spending solitude time also helps me set my priorities straight. It made me learn how to clear some things in my head and be organized with only things that are needed and trust in Jehovah more.

I’ve come to accept that I am enough to make myself happy. There’s many things I can maintain, but could lose. Yet one thing I can maintain and not lose: me. That’s something positive I want to continue to remember.

I’ve let myself be okay with being a mess on some days. Because honestly, there are times where I just don’t want to leave my bed and cry. Which is completely normal. It’s normal to face your emotions and instead of holding everything in — let it out. Binge watch some Netflix. What’s important is after all is let out, I move on.

A few things I want to share about solitude time is:

  • it’s an adjustment
  • you learn more about yourself
  • being happy with you
  • know your limits (but don’t be afraid to try something new)

A few things I do for solitude time:

  • dinner date with a good book to read
  • tour museums
  • kayaking
  • cleaning my room
  • stay in bed
  • discover new coffee shops
  • stay in Half Priced Book store
  • cook something new
  • long hot baths